Posts in Category: Birds

Feathered Friends

The brightly coloured plumage and confident expressions of poultry and birds are a challenging subject to capture.

Barn swallows on Barb wire

One of favourite birds, harbingers of spring, protesting every time I enter the barn. I often feel like it belongs to them, not me.



I asked my neighbour one day if he had any roosters, as I would like to come and take some pictures to paint from. He promptly showed up with a box containing this young fellow, who stayed on the farm and took on his previous owners surname.



One of my laying hens had decided to sit on the eggs in a feed tub in the corner of the stall instead of in the laying boxes. Getting underneath her to get the eggs is not for the faint of heart.

Morning Rain

Morning Rain

One of the true signs of spring to me is when the barn swallows return. They seem to feel the barn is theirs, and I am an intruder when I enter, but I still love having them around. These young swallows were huddling on my clothesline outside my studio window one summer day during a rain shower, drops of water beading down their backs.

Shot Caller

Shot Caller

One of a series of rooster paintings I have done, although I love their cocky expressions and their iridescent feathers, the barn is a lot quieter without a rooster in it.



Roosters are truly beautiful birds.

Finch and Insulator

Finch and Insulator

These House Finches defy their names and inhabit my barn in huge numbers. They are constantly vying for position on the window ledges. The old glass insulator is a remnant from an old hydro line that ran behind my farm years ago.

Stepping Out

Stepping Out

When the hens are outside foraging about, they are constantly chasing each other, worried the lead hen might have found something better than what they have.

Red Hen

Red Hen

One of a series of triptychs I have done featuring hens.